Clearwater Marine Aquarium is not yet ready to handle payments.


by Clearwater Marine Aquarium

kuper brownlee

CMA needs help from our supporters is to raise awareness of the work that we do to protect sea turtles and all marine life from harmful plastics and marine debris. From our education and conservation programs to our work to rescue, rehabilitate, and release injured or ill animals, we are working to be part of the solution. You can be part of the solution too! Please donate to CMA and help us continue our mission to protect marine life and the environment.

Donkey Kong and the Dangers of Marine Debris

Jellyfish, plastic bags, balloons; these all look like food to a hungry sea turtle. But plastics and trash don’t belong inside a sea turtle or in the ocean at all. They can lead to a number of environmental problems. They are especially dangerous for marine animals that can become entangled or accidentally ingest these items while feeding. Once ingested, the plastic items can cause a variety of issues. Digestive tracts can become blocked, which can lead to starvation and death. Over 100 million marine animals die each year due to marine debris, according to the Sea Turtle Conservancy.

One of our latest sea turtle rescues, Donkey Kong, was found near Clearwater Beach about four miles from Sand Key on June 13, 2018. The endangered Kemp's ridley sea turtle was found entangled in a line from a marker buoy wrapped around the right front flipper. Upon arrival, Donkey Kong was examined and received fluids.

On June 24, 2018, a piece of a balloon Donkey Kong ingested was discovered. Balloons, fishing gear and plastic are part of a growing marine debris problem in our oceans. Many sea turtles mistake marine debris for food they normally eat.

Your donation today will help Clearwater Marine Aquarium:
  • Rescue, rehab and release marine animals who have become sick or injured due to ocean pollution and human interaction.
  • Clean our beaches and oceans for sea turtles and all marine animals.
  • Support our sea turtle conservation efforts.
  • Educate the public and raise awareness on ocean pollution and its impact on marine animals.
  • Advance our research efforts so that we can continue to find ways we can all work together to save and protect endangered marine animals.
Watch Donkey Kong throughout his rehab journey at CMA on his very own webcam here.


$35 GOAL

This Appeal 2 100%
has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.